Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Do you Kiva?

If you believe in the redemptive power of enterprise, then there are few more redeeming charities than the micro-lending network Kiva. I have been making small loans, from $25 to $100, through Kiva for a couple of years, specializing in small businesses in Iraq (I think we owe it to our soldiers to support Iraq's success). It is enormous fun, very interesting, and extremely satisfying. Give it a shot, and tell us about your loan in the comments to this post.


  1. I've made 14 loans via Kiva. 2 in Iraq To date zero delinquencies as well. Promoting capitalism everywhere, one enterprise at a time.

  2. I think I've made 15 loans, all in Iraq, no delinquencies. Exactly right, Cnsrvtv, exactly right. One enterprise at a time.

  3. Anon Attorney just made 4 loans and bought his wife and 3 daughters 4 Kiva Cards each for Christmas. I think my kids will enjoy this immensely. Thanks for the tip, TH. Or do you go by DE now that you have abandoned TigerHawk?

  4. Old-timers can still call me TH, AA. And, yes, Kiva is the growth conservative's most fun charity.


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