Saturday, January 26, 2013

Go international, young start-up

Look eastward, angel. Thoughts on pushing a new business overseas as quickly as possible.


  1. I've been pushing this idea since the mid 1970s.

    The future belongs to global nomads!

    Tip: Entrepreneurs shouldn't expect a lot of international sales in the first year or two (especially if the entrepreneurs sell businesses and/or governments). Building relationships take time.

    Suggestion: You should add "Google Translate" to this blog, using "Add a Gadget" in the "Layout" section. "Google Translate" isn't perfect, but it's better than nothing. It shows you want readers in other countries.

    - DEC (Jungle Trader)

  2. P.S. My first overseas customers (acquaintances, not close friends) were in Singapore and South Korea. They placed large orders (delivery in 18 weeks) and sent payment with their purchase orders to help me get going.

    A little later, a Japanese manufacturer sent me a container load of merchandise and gave me 150-day credit terms.

    How many American companies would do things like that for a start-up?

  3. Correction to my first post here:

    1. Make it "sell to businesses," not "sell businesses."

    2. Make it "Building relationships takes time," not "take time."

    Sorry, I was in a rush.

    Note to readers:

    Start commenting, folks. This is a great blog!


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